
September 6: Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Reflecting Ordinals and Forcing
Corey Switzer Kurt Gödel Research Center

September 6: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Weak and Strong Variants of Baumgartner's Axiom for Polish Spaces
Corey Switzer Kurt Gödel Research Center

September 13: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Rigid real closed fields
David Marker University of Illinois at Chicago

September 20: Logic Workshop
No seminar

September 27: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Baby measurable cardinals
Victoria Gitman CUNY

September 27: Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Cichoń's maximum with the uniformity and the covering of the $\sigma$-ideal $\mathcal{E}$ generated by closed null sets
Takashi Yamazoe Kobe University

October 4: Logic Workshop
No seminar
CUNY holiday

October 11: Logic Workshop
No seminar
CUNY holiday

October 18: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Old and new decidability results for theories of Abelian lattice-ordered groups
Brian Wynne CUNY

October 18: Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
On a cofinal Reinhardt embedding without Powerset
Hanul Jeon Cornell University

October 25: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Computing away negation using ancients: from existential to Diophantine sentences
Hans Schoutens CUNY

October 25: Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
More Borel chromatic numbers
Stefan Geschke University of Hamburg

October 29: MOPA
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
The Kaufmann–Clote question on end extensions of models of arithmetic and the weak regularity principle
Sun Mengzhou National University of Singapore

November 1: Logic Workshop
No seminar
There will be no Logic Workshop talk at CUNY on November 1, the first day of the three-day Rutgers MAMLS Fall Fest. Talks this afternoon are to be given by Justin Moore (3:00 pm) and Valentina Harizanov (4:30 pm) in Rutgers University’s Murray Hall in downtown New Brunswick, NJ. Those planing to attend should please register in advance here, where further information is available.

November 5: MOPA
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Separations between categoricity-like properties of first-order theories
Piotr Gruza University of Warsaw

November 8: Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Distributivity and Base trees for $P(\kappa)/ {\lt} \kappa$
Geoff Galgon

November 8: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
External definability
Artem Chernikov University of Maryland

November 12: MOPA
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Separations between categoricity-like properties of first-order theories: part II
Piotr Gruza University of Warsaw

November 15: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Computable reductions on groups and fields
Russell Miller CUNY

November 15: Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Definable hypergraphs on large spaces
Philipp Schlicht University of Siena

November 19: MOPA
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Saturation properties for propositionally sound satisfaction classes
Bartosz Wcisło University of Gdańsk

November 22: Set Theory Seminar
Special time: 10:30am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Identity crises phenomena between the first supercompact cardinal and Vopěnka's Principle
Alejandro Poveda Harvard University

November 26: MOPA
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Well-founded models of fragments of Collection
Zachiri Mckenzie University of Chester

November 29: Logic Workshop
No seminar
CUNY holiday: happy Thanksgiving!

December 3: MOPA
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Varieties of truth definitions
Mateusz Łełyk University of Warsaw

December 6: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Lattices of elementary submodels of recursively saturated models of PA
Roman Kossak CUNY

December 10: MOPA
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Models of fragments of PA with low Scott rank
Leszek Kołodziejczyk University of Warsaw

January 10: Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Categoricity arguments and their philosophical uses
Jouko Väänänen University of Helsinki