The Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar is an ongoing program of grass-roots meetings in mathematical logic in the northeastern United States. It has been funded recently by grant #DMS-1834219 from the National Science Foundation, now renewed as grant #DMS-2508533. This grant provides travel support for speakers, students, and researchers without other means of support, so that they can attend MAMLS meetings. The Principal Investigators for this grant are Profs. Filippo Calderoni and Dima Sinapova, of Rutgers University, and Prof. Russell Miller, of Queens College and the CUNY Graduate Center. For many years, Prof. Arthur Apter was the mainstay of the MAMLS grant, and we salute his efforts through those years.
The meetings funded by MAMLS include several recurring conference series: the Groups, Logic, and Dynamics meeting (GLaD), the New England Recursion and Definability Seminar (NERDS), the NorthEast Model Theory Day (NEMTD), and the annual Rutgers Logic Meeting. In addition, wild-card MAMLS meetings take place intermittently. Students and others who wish to apply for MAMLS funding to attend one of these meetings should initiate the process by sending e-mail to Filippo Calderoni.
MAMLS Meetings
Rutgers MAMLS Fall Fest 2024
The annual MAMLS meeting at Rutgers University normally takes place in November. The most recent one, on November 1-3, 2024, in downtown New Brunswick, NJ, was organized by Filippo Calderoni and Dima Sinapova. The invited speakers were Will Brian (UNC-Charlotte), Matt Foreman (UC-Irvine), Valentina Harizanov (George Washington University), Cecelia Higgins (UCLA), Siiri Kivimaki (University of Helsinki), Leo Jimenez (The Ohio State University), Patrick Lutz (UC-Berkeley), Justin Moore (Cornell University), Alejandro Poveda (Harvard University), and Sergei Starchenko (Notre Dame University). Full information is available here.
The New England Recursion and Definability Seminar meets twice a year, with a focus on computability theory, broadly interpreted. Meetings are open to all interested scholars in the region, regardless of your background or level in logic, and we encourage everyone connected with logic and computability to attend, learn something new, and make some logician friends. Some travel funding is available, thanks to the NSF grant supporting MAMLS. Anyone who is interested in attending and needs support for travel to NERDS should contact Russell Miller. The next NERDS meeting will take place on April 5-6, 2025, in Hartford, CT. Further details will be available on the NERDS website.
The main goal of the annual meeting series "Groups, Logic and Dynamics" is to bring together people from different areas of math with common interest in groups and their actions, and to build a community around them. The scope of the meeting is very broad. It includes descriptive set theory, dynamics, geometric and measured group theory. GLaD is open to all interested scholars in the region. Students and early career researchers are particularly encouraged to participate. Anyone who is interested in attending and needs support for travel to GLaD should contact Filippo Calderoni. The next GLaD meeting is planned for April 12, 2025 at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. The website for the most recent meeting is still available here.
We are pleased that the NorthEast Model Theory Day has returned: its first meeting since the coronavirus pandemic was hosted by Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT on Saturday May 4, 2024, sponsored by the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. The meeting website is still available here. The next NEMTD meeting is planned for April 5, 2025 at Towson State University in Towson, MD, organized by Vincent Guingona, Alexei Kolesnikov, and Miriam Parnes.