CUNY Graduate Center
Room 5417
Fridays 12:30pm-2:00pm
Organized by Alf Dolich
February 7
12:30pm NY time
Alf Dolich
Introduction to the model theory of the adeles and organization meeting
This first meeting will be partially devoted to organizing for the semester. But, I will also begin talking about Jamshid Derakhshan' survey paper on the model theory of the adeles entitled 'Model Theory of the Adeles and Number Theory'.
February 21
12:30pm NY time
Room: 5417
Dave Marker
University of Illinois at Chicago
A uniform definition of ${\mathbb Z}_p$ in ${\mathbb Q_p}$
We will discuss the paper of Cluckers, Derakhshan, Leeknegt and Macintyre on uniformly defining valuation rings in Henselian valued fields with finite or pseudofinite residue fields.
February 28
12:30pm NY time
Room: 5417
Alf Dolich
Introduction to the model theory of the adeles: part II
I will continue talking about Derakhsan's survey article 'Model Theory of Adeles and Number Theory'.
March 7
12:30pm NY time
Room: 5417
Olga Kharlampovich
First-order sentences in random groups
We prove that a random group, in Gromov's density model with $d\lt 1/2$, satisfies an AE sentence (in the language of groups) if and only if this sentence is true in a nonabelian free group. This is a joint work with R. Sklinos.
March 14
12:30pm NY time
Room: 5417
Alex Kruckman
Wesleyan University
A three body problem in stable (and simple and NSOP_1) theories
A few years ago, a problem arose in some of my work that I wasn’t able to solve, forcing me to add a technical hypothesis to a theorem - this has bothered me ever since. The issue has to do with the relationship between independence in a stable (or simple or NSOP_1) theory and independence in a stable reduct. In this rather informal talk, I will describe the problem and some partial results. The audience is welcome to provide proofs or counterexamples.
March 21
12:30pm NY time
Room: 5417
Vince Guingona
Towson University
Statistical Learning and Model Theory
In this talk, I explore the connections between Statistical Learning Theory and Model Theory. This includes the connections between PAC-learning and NIP and the connections between differentially private PAC-learning and stability. Finally, I examine the work that my colleagues and I have started on improving the sample complexity of differentially private PAC-learning algorithms using techniques from stability theory. This work is joint with Alexei Kolesnikov, Miriam Parnes, and Natalie Piltoyan.
Previous Semesters