CUNY Graduate Center
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room 6496
Fridays 11:00am-12:30pm
Organized by Gunter Fuchs and Victoria Gitman
February 7
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Ali Enayat
University of Gothenburg
Models of set theory: extensions and dead-ends
This is a two-part talk concerning existence/non-existence of certain kinds of extensions of arbitrary models of ZF, with no regard to countability or well-foundedness of the models involved. The talk is based a recent preprint: arXiv:2406.14790v1. The results presented include the following two. In Theorem A below, N is said to be a conservative elementary extension of M if N is an elementary extension of M with the property that the intersection of every parametrically definable subset of N with M is parametrically definable in M.
Theorem A. Every model M of ZF with a definable global well-ordering has a conservative elementary extension N that contains an ordinal above all of the ordinals of M.
Theorem B. Every consistent extension of ZF has a model of power aleph_1 that has no end extension to a model of ZF.
February 14
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Ali Enayat
University of Gothenburg
Models of set theory: extensions and dead-ends part II
This is a two-part talk concerning existence/non-existence of certain kinds of extensions of arbitrary models of ZF, with no regard to countability or well-foundedness of the models involved. The talk is based a recent preprint: arXiv:2406.14790v1. The results presented include the following two. In Theorem A below, N is said to be a conservative elementary extension of M if N is an elementary extension of M with the property that the intersection of every parametrically definable subset of N with M is parametrically definable in M.
Theorem A. Every model M of ZF with a definable global well-ordering has a conservative elementary extension N that contains an ordinal above all of the ordinals of M.
Theorem B. Every consistent extension of ZF has a model of power aleph_1 that has no end extension to a model of ZF.
February 28
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Andreas Lietz
TU Wien
Equiconsistencies involving strengthenings of PFA
We discuss the famous open problem of determining the exact consistency strength of PFA. We present an equiconsistency between Ben Goodman's Sigma_n-Correct Proper Forcing Axiom, which implies PFA, and supercompact for C^(n-1)-cardinals under additional mild assumptions for large enough n. Without these assumptions we can prove a dichotomy resembling Woodin's HOD dichotomy with a model containing the mantle taking on the role of HOD.
March 7
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Tom Benhamou
Rutgers University
Ultrafilters on measurables and non-measurables: discrepancies and techniques
We present new results regarding the depth and Tukey spectrum of general ultrafilters and simple
$P_\lambda$-points at a measurable cardinal. In particular we prove that on a measurable cardinal there can only be a single $\lambda$ for which there exists a simple $P_\lambda$-point - this is in sharp contrast to $\omega$. Finally we will present several models in which we analyze the depth and Tukey spectrum of an ultrafilter, and their effect on generalized cardinal characteristics.
March 21
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Tristan van der Vlugt
TU Wien
Meagre and Null Ideals for Uncountable Cardinals
We will consider the space of functions from $\lambda$ to $\kappa$ for various choices of $\lambda$ and $\kappa$. In the first part of the talk we define topologies on such spaces and discuss the $\mu$-meagre ideal (i.e. sets that are unions of $\mu$-many nowhere dense sets), and their associated cardinal invariants. In the second part, we will look at various ways to consider (cardinal invariants of) the null ideal on such spaces.
March 28
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Stefan Hoffelner
TU Wien
The global $\Sigma^1_{n+2}$-Uniformization Property and $\mathsf{BPFA}$
We show that, given a reflecting cardinal, one can generically produce a universe of $\mathsf{BPFA}$ in which additionally the $\Sigma^1_{n+2}$-uniformization property holds for every $n$ simultaneously.
April 4
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Siiri Kivimäki
University of Helsinki
April 25
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
11:00am NY time
Room: 6496
Catalina Torres Pachon
University of Barcelona
Previous Semesters