March 4
Alexander Van Abel,
Omitting Classes of Elements
In this talk, we will review Morley's 1963 article 'Omitting Classes of Elements' (in modern parlance, omitting types). In this paper, Morley investigates the question of how large a structure's cardinality must be before it is forced to realize a type (for example, an ordered field with cardinality greater than the continuum must contain non-Archimedean elements). Given a fixed language, there is a cardinal $\kappa$ such that for every theory $T$ and any type $\Sigma$, if $T$ has a model of size $\kappa$ omitting $\Sigma$ then it has such a model in every cardinality. Morley's main result is that given a countable language $L$, if for every $\alpha < \omega_1$ there is a model of $T$ of size $\geq \beth_\alpha$ which omits $\Sigma$, then there is such a model in every cardinality (and if $L$ has at most $\aleph_\beta$ symbols, we replace '$\omega_1$' in this statement by '$\omega_{\gamma + 1}$' where $2^{\aleph_\beta} = \aleph_\gamma$). The proof uses the Erdős–Rado partition theorem and indiscernible sequences.