April 6
Zachiri McKenzie, Zhejiang University
Topless powerset preserving end-extensions and rank-extensions of countable models of set theory

This talk will report on ongoing work that is being done in collaboration with Ali Enayat (University of Gothenburg).

For models of set theory $\mathcal{N}$ and $\mathcal{M}$, $\mathcal{N}$ is a powerset preserving end-extension of $\mathcal{M}$ if $\mathcal{N}$ is an end-extension of $\mathcal{M}$ and $\mathcal{N}$ contains no new subsets of sets in $\mathcal{M}$. A model of Kripke-Platek Set Theory, $\mathcal{N}$, is a rank-extension of a model of Kripke-Platek Set Theory, $\mathcal{M}$, if $\mathcal{N}$ is an end-extension of $\mathcal{M}$ and all of the new sets in $\mathcal{N}$ have rank that exceeds the rank of all of the sets in $\mathcal{M}$. A powerset preserving end-extension (rank-extension) $\mathcal{N}$ of $\mathcal{M}$ is topless if $\mathcal{M} \neq \mathcal{N}$ and there is no set in $\mathcal{N} \backslash \mathcal{M}$ containing only sets from $\mathcal{M}$. If $\mathcal{M}= \langle M, E^\mathcal{M} \rangle$ is a model of set theory, then the admissible cover of $\mathcal{M}$, $\mathbb{C}\mathrm{ov}_\mathcal{M}$, is defined to be the smallest admissible structure with $\mathcal{M}$ forming its urelements and whose language contains a unary function function symbol, $F$, that sends each $m \in M$ to the set $\{x \in M \mid x E^\mathcal{M} m\}$. Barwise has shown that if $\mathcal{M}$ is a model of Kripke-Platek Set Theory, then $\mathbb{C}\mathrm{ov}_{\mathcal{M}}$ exists and its minimality facilitates compactness arguments for infinitary languages coded in $\mathbb{C}\mathrm{ov}_\mathcal{M}$. We extend Barwise's analysis by showing that if $\mathcal{M}$ satisfies enough set theory then the expansion of $\mathbb{C}\mathrm{ov}_\mathcal{M}$ obtained by adding the powerset function remains admissible. This allows us to build powerset preserving end-extensions and rank-extensions of countable models of certain subsystems of $\mathrm{ZFC}$ satisfying any given recursive subtheory of the model being extended. In particular, we show that

  1. Every countable model of $\mathrm{KP}^\mathcal{P}$ has a topless rank-extension that satisfies $\mathrm{KP}^\mathcal{P}$.
  2. Every countable $\omega$-standard model of $\mathrm{MOST}+\Pi_1\textrm{-collection}$ has a topless powerset preserving end-extension that satisfies $\mathrm{MOST}+\Pi_1\textrm{-collection}$.
