April 29
Ali Enayat, University of Gothenburg
The Barwise-Schlipf characterization of recursive saturation of models of PA: Part I

The subject of this two-part talk is a 1975 Barwise-Schlipf landmark paper, whose main theorem asserts that a nonstandard model M of PA is recursively saturated iff M has an expansion to a model of the subsystem $\Delta^{1}_{1}-CA_0$ of second order arithmetic. The impression one gets from reading the Barwise-Schlipf paper is that the left-to-right direction of the theorem is deep since it relies on sophisticated techniques from admissible set theory, and that the other direction is fairly routine.

As it turns out, the exact opposite is the case: the left-to-right direction of the Barwise-Schlipf theorem lends itself to a proof from first principles (as observed independently by Jonathan Stavi and Sol Feferman not long after the appearance of the Barwise-Schmerl paper); and moreover, as recently shown in my joint work with Jim Schmerl, there is a crucial error in the Barwise-Schlipf proof of the right-to-left direction of the theorem, an error that can be circumvented by a rather nontrivial argument. As I will explain, certain results from the joint work of Matt Kaufmann and Jim Schmerl in the mid-1980s on 'lofty' models of arithmetic come in handy for the analysis of the error, and for circumventing it.

In part I, after going over some history, and preliminaries, I will discuss (1) the gap in the Barwise-Schlipf paper, and (2) the aforementioned Feferman-Stavi proof. In part II, I will focus on how the gap can be circumvented with a proof strategy very different from that Barwise and Schlipf.​
