CUNY Graduate Center
Organized by Victoria Gitman, Gunter Fuchs, and Arthur Apter

Fall 2022

December 9
12:15pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Vladimir Kanovei Institute for Information Transmission Problems
On the significance of parameters in the comprehension and choice schemata in second-order arithmetic

November 18
12:15pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Brent Cody Virginia Commonwealth University
Sparse analytic systems

November 11
12:15pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Peter Holy Technical University of Vienna
Asymmetric Cut and Choose Games

November 4
12:15pm NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room 6495
Corey Switzer University of Vienna
The Special Tree Number

October 28
12:15pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Andreas Lietz University of Münster
Forcing '$\mathrm{NS}_{\omega_1}$ is $\omega_1$-dense' from Large Cardinals - A Journey guided by the Stars: Part II

October 21
12:15pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Andreas Lietz University of Münster
Forcing '$\mathrm{NS}_{\omega_1}$ is $\omega_1$-dense' from Large Cardinals - A Journey guided by the Stars

October 14
12:15pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Philipp Lücke University of Barcelona
Large cardinals, strong logics and reflection principles

October 7
11:00am NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Sakaé Fuchino Kobe University
Definability of Laver-generic large cardinals and largeness of generic large cardinals with chain conditions

September 30
12:15pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Victoria Gitman CUNY
Jensen's forcing at an inaccessible