September 6:
Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Reflecting Ordinals and Forcing
Corey Switzer
Kurt Gödel Research Center
Let $n \lt \omega$ and $\Gamma$ either $\Pi$ or $\Sigma$. An ordinal $\alpha$ is called $\Gamma^1_n$-reflecting if for each $\beta \lt\alpha$ and each $\Gamma^1_n$-formula $\varphi$ if $L_\alpha \models \varphi(\beta)$ then there is a $\gamma \in (\beta, \alpha)$ so that $L_\gamma \models \varphi(\beta)$ where here $\models$ refers to full second order logic. The least $\Sigma^1_n$-reflecting ordinal is called $\sigma^1_n$ and the least $\Pi^1_n$-ordinal is called $\pi^1_n$. These ordinals provably exist and are countable (for all $n \lt \omega$). They arise naturally in proof theory, particularly in calibrating consistency strength of strong arithmetics and weak set theories. Moreover, surprisingly, their relation to one another relies heavily on the background set theory. If $V=L$ then for all $n \lt \omega$ we have $\sigma^1_{n+3} \lt \pi^1_{n+3}$ (due to Cutland) while under PD for all $n \lt \omega$ we have $\sigma^1_n \lt \pi^1_n$ if and only if $n$ is even (due to Kechris).
Surprisingly nothing was known about these ordinals in any model which satisfies neither $V=L$ nor PD. In this talk I will sketch some recent results which aim at rectifying this. In particular we will show that in any generic extension by any number of Cohen or Random reals, a Sacks, Miller or Laver real, or any lightface, weakly homogeneous Borel ccc forcing notion agrees with $L$ about which ordinals are $\Gamma^1_n$-reflecting (for any $n$ and $\Gamma$). Meanwhile, in the generic extension by collapsing $\omega_1$ many interesting things happen, not least amongst them that $\sigma^1_n$ and $\pi^1_n$ are increased - yet still below $\omega_1^L$ for $n > 2$. Along the way we will discuss the plethora of open problems in this area. This is joint work with Juan Aguilera.
September 6:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Weak and Strong Variants of Baumgartner's Axiom for Polish Spaces
Corey Switzer
Kurt Gödel Research Center
(One version of) Cantor's second best theorem states that every pair of countable, dense sets of reals are isomorphic as linear orders. From the perspective of set theory it's natural to ask whether some variant of this theorem can hold consistently when 'countable' is replaced by 'uncountable'. This was shown in the affirmative by Baumgartner in 1973 who showed the consistency of 'all $\aleph_1$-dense sets of reals are order isomorphic' where a set is $\kappa$-dense for a cardinal $\kappa$ if its intersection with any open interval has size $\kappa$. The above became known as Baumgartner's axiom, denoted BA, and is an important axiom in both combinatorial set theory and set theoretic topology. BA has natural higher dimensional analogues - i.e., statements with the same relation to $\mathbb R^n$ that BA has to $\mathbb R$. It is a long standing open conjecture of Steprāns and Watson that BA implies its higher dimensional analogues.
In the talk I will describe some attempts to break the ice on this open problem mostly by looking at a family of weaker and stronger variants of BA and investigating their combinatorial, analytic and topological consequences. We will show that while some weak variants of BA have all the same consequences as BA, even weaker ones do not. Meanwhile a strengthening of BA for Baire and Polish space gives much more information.
September 13:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Rigid real closed fields
David Marker
University of Illinois at Chicago
Shelah showed that it is consistent that there are uncountable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields and, later, he and Mekler proved this in $\textbf{ZFC}$. Answering a question of Enayat, Charlie Steinhorn and I show that there are countable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields by constructing one of transcendence degree two.
September 20:
Logic Workshop
No seminar
September 27:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Baby measurable cardinals
Victoria Gitman
Measurable cardinals and other large cardinals on the larger side of things are characterized by the existence of elementary embeddings $j:V\to \mathcal M$ from the universe $V$ of sets into a transitive submodel $\mathcal M$. The clear pattern the large cardinals in that region follow is that the closer the submodel $\mathcal M$ is to $V$ the stronger the large cardinal notion. Smaller large cardinals, such as weakly compact or Ramsey cardinals, are known chiefly for their combinatorial properties, such as the existence of large homogeneous sets for colorings. But, it turns out that they too have elementary embeddings characterizations with embeddings on the correspondingly small models $M$ of (a fragment) of set theory (usually ${\rm ZFC}^-$, the theory ${\rm ZFC}$ with powerset axiom removed). Elementary embeddings of $V$ are often by-definable with the existence of certain ultrafilters or systems of ultrafilters. The classical example is that $\kappa$ is measurable if and only if there is a $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter on $\kappa$. The model $\mathcal M$ is then the transitive collapse of the ultrapower of $V$ by $U$. The connection between elementary embedding and ultrafilters also exists in the case of the small elementary embeddings. A typical elementary embedding characterization of a small large cardinal $\kappa$ follows the following template: for every $A\subseteq\kappa$, there is a (technical condition) model $M$, with $A\in M$, for which there is an $M$-ultrafilter $U$ on $\kappa$ with (technical properties). A subset $U\subseteq P(\kappa)\cap M$ is an $M$-ultrafilter if the structure $\langle M,\in, U\rangle$, with a predicate for $U$, satisfies that $U$ is a $\kappa$-complete ultrafilter on $\kappa$, meaning that $U$ measures all the sets in $M$ and its completeness applies to sequences that are elements of $M$. The reason we need to add a predicate for $U$ is that in most interesting case, and in contrast to the situation with measurable cardinals, $U$ is not an element of $M$ (indeed in most cases, $P(\kappa)$ does not exist in $M$). While the structure $M$ usually satisfies some large fragment of ${\rm ZFC}$, once, we add a predicate for the $M$-ultrafilter $U$, the structure $\langle M,\in, U\rangle$ can fail to satisfy even $\Sigma_0$-separation. In this talk, I will discuss how smaller large cardinals follow the pattern that the more set theory the structure $\langle M,\in, U\rangle$ satisfies the stronger the resulting large cardinal notion. I will use these observations to introduce a new hierarchy of large cardinals between Ramsey and measurable cardinals. This is joint work with Philipp Schlicht, based on earlier work by Bovykin and McKenzie.
September 27:
Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Cichoń's maximum with the uniformity and the covering of the $\sigma$-ideal $\mathcal{E}$ generated by closed null sets
Takashi Yamazoe
Kobe University
Let $\mathcal{E}$ denote the $\sigma$-ideal generated by closed null sets on $\mathbb{R}$. We show that the uniformity and the covering of $\mathcal{E}$ can be added to Cichoń's maximum with distinct values, more specifically, it is consistent that $\aleph_1\lt\mathrm{add}(\mathcal{N})\lt\mathrm{cov}(\mathcal{N})\lt\mathfrak{b}\lt\mathrm{non}(\mathcal{E})\lt\mathrm{non}(\mathcal{M})\lt\mathrm{cov}(\mathcal{M})\lt\mathrm{cov}(\mathcal{E})\lt\mathfrak{d}\lt\mathrm{non}(\mathcal{N})\lt\mathrm{cof}(\mathcal{N})\lt2^{\aleph_0}$ holds.
October 4:
Logic Workshop
No seminar
CUNY holiday
October 11:
Logic Workshop
No seminar
CUNY holiday
October 18:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Old and new decidability results for theories of Abelian lattice-ordered groups
Brian Wynne
An Abelian lattice-ordered group (l-group) is an Abelian group with a lattice order that is invariant under translations. Examples include $C(X)$, the set of continuous real-valued functions on a topological space $X$ with pointwise operations and order, the $L_p$ spaces, and certain spaces of measures. After surveying some of the known decidability results for various classes of l-groups, I will present new decidability results concerning existentially closed l-groups.
October 18:
Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
On a cofinal Reinhardt embedding without Powerset
Hanul Jeon
Cornell University
Reinhardt embedding is an elementary embedding from $V$ to $V$ itself, whose existence was refuted under the Axiom of Choice by Kunen's famous theorem. There were attempts to get a consistent version of a Reinhardt embedding, and dropping the Axiom of Powerset is one possibility. Richard Matthews showed that $\mathsf{ZFC} + \mathrm{I}_1$ proves $\mathsf{ZFC}$ without Powerset is consistent with a Reinhardt embedding, but the embedding $j\colon V\to V$ in the Matthews' model does not satisfy the cofinality (i.e., for every set $a$ there is $b$ such that $a\in j(b)$). In this talk, I will show from $\mathsf{ZFC} + \mathrm{I}_0$ that $\mathsf{ZFC}$ without Powerset is consistent with a cofinal Reinhardt embedding.
October 25:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Computing away negation using ancients: from existential to Diophantine sentences
Hans Schoutens
Last semester, I discussed geometric methods for decidability over a complete discrete valuation ring (DVR) in equal characteristic, suggesting that these methods could be applied effectively. In this talk, I aim to clarify the computability issues surrounding this topic while at the same time shifting focus to the case of mixed characteristic. Whereas quantifier elimination (QE) results are established for p-adic numbers, the general landscape remains less explored. I will demonstrate that for any existential sentence over a computable ring, we can effectively construct a positive existential (or Diophantine) sentence which is logically equivalent to the original in every excellent Henselian DVR containing the ring. This construction hinges on Resolution of Singularities, which is feasible in characteristic zero.
Furthermore, I will utilize ultraproducts, specifically the protoproduct variant, to show how Diophantine statements over a DVR can be reduced to those over a residue ring. Since the residue ring is Artinian—and in the case of p-adics, even finite—the associated problems become significantly more manageable. However, it is important to note that this approach does not yet yield a general QE result, as it applies only to sentences, not formulas. The challenge lies in the dependence of certain effective bounds on parameters. I will provide insights into how to derive a bound based on a refined notion of complexity within the equational system—beyond simply considering its degree—using ultraproducts. Additionally, I will address a request from the audience in my last talk by demonstrating that this bound is indeed effective.
And somehow it will also require some delving into the theory of Witt vectors and ancient elements, as I will explain.
October 25:
Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
More Borel chromatic numbers
Stefan Geschke
University of Hamburg
Borel chromatic numbers of definable graphs on Polish spaces have been studied for 25 years, starting with the seminal paper by Kechris, Solecky and Todorcevic. I will talk about some recent results about the consistent separation of uncountable Borel chromatic numbers of some particular graphs and about the Borel chromatic number of graphs related to Turing reducibility.
October 29:
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
The Kaufmann–Clote question on end extensions of models of arithmetic and the weak regularity principle
Sun Mengzhou
National University of Singapore
We investigate the end extendibility of models of arithmetic with restricted elementarity. By utilizing the restricted ultrapower construction in the second-order context, for each $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and any countable model of $\mathrm{B}\Sigma_{n+2}$, we construct a proper $\Sigma_{n+2}$-elementary end extension satisfying $\mathrm{B}\Sigma_{n+1}$, which answers a question by Clote positively. We also give a characterization of countable models of $\mathrm{I}\Sigma_{n+2}$ in terms of their end extendibility similar to the case of $\mathrm{B}\Sigma_{n+2}$. Along the proof, we will introduce a new type of regularity principles in arithmetic called the weak regularity principle, which serves as a bridge between the model's end extendibility and the amount of induction or collection it satisfies.
The talk is based on this paper from arxiv:2409.03527.
November 1:
Logic Workshop
No seminar
There will be no Logic Workshop talk at CUNY on November 1, the first day of the three-day Rutgers MAMLS Fall Fest. Talks this afternoon are to be given by Justin Moore (3:00 pm) and Valentina Harizanov (4:30 pm) in Rutgers University’s Murray Hall in downtown New Brunswick, NJ. Those planing to attend should please register in advance here, where further information is available.
November 5:
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Separations between categoricity-like properties of first-order theories
Piotr Gruza
University of Warsaw
A theory is tight if and only if every two extensions of it, in the language of that theory, are bi-interpretable iff they are equal. The property of being tight can be seen as a kind of local categoricity in a suitable category of theories and interpretations. Examples of tight theories include $\text{PA}$, $\text{Z}_{2}$, $\text{ZF}$, and $\text{KM}$. Neatness, semantic tightness, and solidity are strengthenings of tightness, with solidity being the strongest and the other two being intermediate. During the talk we will focus on relations between those properties in the context of arithmetic theories and theories of finite sets.
Partly based on a joint work with Leszek Kołodziejczyk and Mateusz Łełyk.
November 8:
Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Distributivity and Base trees for $P(\kappa)/ {\lt} \kappa$
Geoff Galgon
For $\kappa$ a regular uncountable cardinal, we show that distributivity and base trees for $P(\kappa)/{\lt}\kappa$ of intermediate height in the cardinal interval $[\omega, \kappa)$ exist in certain models. We also show that base trees of height $\kappa$ can exist as well as base trees of various heights $\geq \kappa^+$ depending on the spectrum of cardinalities of towers in $P(\kappa)/{\lt}\kappa$. These constructions answer questions of V. Fischer, M. Koelbing, and W. Wohofsky in certain models.
November 8:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
External definability
Artem Chernikov
University of Maryland
An object (e.g. a set, a relation, a group, etc.) is externally definable in a structure $M$ if it is given by the intersection with $M$ of an object definable (with parameters) in some elementary extension of $M$. If all types over $M$ are definable (for example, if the theory of $M$ is stable), then all externally definable sets are already definable. This fails beyond stability, e.g. in linear orders (take a cut of some irrational number over the rationals) or in the Rado graph (where all subsets of a model are externally definable). An important theorem of Shelah shows that at least the expansion of an NIP structure $M$ by all externally definable sets $M^{\text{ext}}$ remains NIP. While externally definable sets in NIP structures are well behaved, partially explained by the existence of 'honest definitions' introduced in joint work with Simon, many questions remain open. In this talk I will survey some topics in the study of externally definable sets and discuss some new results on externally definable groups in NIP structures.
November 12:
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Piotr Gruza
University of Warsaw
November 15:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Computable reductions on groups and fields
Russell Miller
Hjorth and Thomas established that the complexity of the isomorphism problem for torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank grows dramatically higher as the rank increases: for each $r$, there is no Borel function $F$ that maps each rank-$(r+1)$ group $G$ to a rank-$r$ group $F(G)$ in such a way that $G_0\cong G_1\iff F(G_0)\cong F(G_1)$. We say that there is no Borel reduction from isomorphism on $\operatorname{TFAb}_{r+1}$ to isomorphism on $\operatorname{TFAb}_r$. (From lower to higher rank, in contrast, such a reduction is readily seen.)
Fields of transcendence degree $r$ over $\mathbb Q$ have very similar computability properties to groups in $\operatorname{TFAb}_r$. This being so, we extend their investigations to include the isomorphism relations on the classes $\operatorname{FD}_r$ of such fields. We show that there do exist reductions (not merely Borel, but actually computable, and moreover functorial) from each $\operatorname{TFAb}_r$ to the corresponding $\operatorname{FD}_r$, and also from each $\operatorname{FD}_r$ to $\operatorname{FD}_{r+1}$ (which proves more challenging than it was for the groups!). It remains open whether a theorem analogous to that of Hjorth-Thomas holds for the fields, but we use the notion of countable reductions to show that the fundamental obstacle to a reduction from $\operatorname{TFAb}_{r+1}$ to $\operatorname{TFAb}_r$ is the uncountability of these spaces. This is joint work with Meng-Che 'Turbo' Ho and Julia Knight.
November 15:
Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Philipp Schlicht
Kurt Gödel Research Center
November 19:
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Bartosz Wcisło
University of Gdańsk
November 22:
Logic Workshop
2:00pm NY time
Room: 4419
Alex Kruckman
Wesleyan University
November 22:
Set Theory Seminar
11:00am NY time
Hybrid (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Room: 3207
Alejandro Poveda
Harvard University
November 26:
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Zachiri Mckenzie
Zhejiang University
November 29:
Logic Workshop
No seminar
CUNY holiday: happy Thanksgiving!
December 3:
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Mateusz Łełyk
University of Warsaw
December 10:
1:00pm NY time
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Leszek Kołodziejczyk
University of Warsaw