CUNY Graduate Center
Room 4214.03
Wednesdays 6:30pm-8pm
Organized by Athar Abdul-Quader and Roman Kossak

Spring 2020

August 26
The seminar will take place virtually at 12pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Emil Jeřábek Czech Academy of Sciences
Feasible reasoning with arithmetic operations

August 19
The seminar will take place virtually at 2pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Leszek Kołodziejczyk University of Warsaw
Ramsey's Theorem over $\mathrm{RCA}^*_0$

August 12
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Athar Abdul-Quader Purchase College
CP-genericity and neutrality

July 29
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Kameryn Williams University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
End-extensions of models of set theory and the $\Sigma_1$ universal finite sequence

July 22
The seminar will take place virtually at 8pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Tin Lok Wong National University of Singapore
Properties preserved in cofinal extensions

July 15
The seminar will take place virtually at 2pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Mateusz Łełyk University of Warsaw
Partial Reflection over Uniform Disquotational Truth II

July 8
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Corey Switzer CUNY
Axiomatizing Kaufmann models in strong logics

July 1
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Zachiri McKenzie
Initial self-embeddings of models of set theory: Part II

June 24
The seminar will take place virtually at 2pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Bartosz Wcisło Polish Academy of Sciences
Tarski boundary III

June 17
The seminar will take place virtually at 2pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Mateusz Łełyk University of Warsaw
Partial Reflection over Uniform Disquotational Truth

June 3
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Zachiri McKenzie
Initial self-embeddings of models of set theory: Part I

May 27
The seminar will take place virtually at 2pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Bartosz Wcisło Polish Academy of Sciences
Tarski boundary II

May 20
Seminar cancelled
There is no seminar today.

May 13
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Laurence Kirby CUNY
Bounded finite set theory

May 6
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Ali Enayat University of Gothenburg
The Barwise-Schlipf characterization of recursive saturation of models of PA: Part II

April 29
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Ali Enayat University of Gothenburg
The Barwise-Schlipf characterization of recursive saturation of models of PA: Part I

April 22
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Corey Switzer CUNY
Hanf Numbers of Arithmetics

April 15
The seminar will take place virtually at 7pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Wei Wang Institute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-sen University
Non-standard models of arithmetic and their standard systems

April 1
The seminar will take place virtually at 8pm US Eastern Standard Time. Please email Victoria Gitman for meeting id.
Whan Ki Lee CUNY
Solid bases and AH-sets

March 4
Alexander Van Abel CUNY
Omitting Classes of Elements

February 26
Athar Abdul-Quader Purchase College
Pentagon III

February 19
James Geiser
Soundness and the Gödel Undecidability Theorem

February 5
Athar Abdul-Quader Purchase College
The pentagon saga continues